I make it using the ' Cold Brewed ' method
I used this
But I really like this
You want to use a ratio of 4:1 - 4 Cups water to 1 Cup Coarsely ground coffee so make sure you have a big enough pitcher, jar, container of some kind to hold it all. (Although when I took these pictures I didn't have the right amount of water in yet, realized it after the second stirring.)
Stir it up good then let it sit awhile in the Fridge. When you come back you will likely see this. . .
Grounds mostly on top in some sort of crusty head.
So give it another good stir and after you do it should look more like this. . .
With more of a foamy head and all the grounds floating around in suspension or on the bottom, not the top.
I've heard that you should let it sit (in the Fridge) for a minimum of 3-4 hours.
I always seem to go at least 12 because I end up putting it together in the evening.
Also the STRONGER the better! :)
The next step is sort of trial and error just seeing what works best for what tools you have.
You can separate the grounds from the coffee with,
a mesh filter -
a paper filter,
a paper towel?
your hands?
you get the idea
I haven't perfected this yet so I end up using a colander over a pan so I can set either my mesh filter, paper filter, paper towel, (not hands) into it to hold whichever in place while I pour the coffee into it.
You will have to change a few times whichever element you choose, this is why the mesh filter is kinda nice because you can just bang the grounds out in the trash, but on the other hand paper filters cost a couple bucks for about a million so. . .figure out whatever you like best.
After you have separated the coffee from the grounds filter it one more time through a clean filter to remove just that little bit more of "stuff".
Thats it!
Put it in fridge and enjoy your Homemade Iced Coffee!
Jon this is great--when I have more time I'll have to check out your other blog posts! And I def wanna try making this iced coffee (I LOVE coffee!!!) but I will not be straining it with my hands either...LOL! Have a good day cuz! ~Stacey
ReplyDeleteI think I like iced coffee better than hot.
ReplyDeleteWow, now that I tried to read that, it sounds complicated. The best way is to just have Mandy make it and then put it in the frig.
ReplyDeleteShe just makes it like normal coffee, then puts lots of sugar and cream in it then puts it in the frig and it last for weeks of studying.